Sunday, June 7, 2009

Reasons Why Canadians do not Buy Life Insurance in Canada

Lorne Marr, my husband says this question has been said billion times during his career. It's interesting, despite being a foundation of the majority of financial plans, crowds of people are postponing this question. It it can have value of millions. Why such a decision?

1. Canadians consider themselves too old. Many are unaware that most Canadian insurance carriers~companies insure individuals up to the age of 85 For sure there is no need to hesitate your age.

2. You may consider own health too weak. However, many life insurance Canada policies are accessible without a medical test and many others only ask a handful of basic medical questions. Besides, many clients who have a history heart attack, stroke, or cancer in the family can still qualify for life insurance in Canada. Try to visit our Non-Medical Life Insurance Page for a free quote.

3. It's too expensive. This is wrong information, your life insurance premiums can be as little as $180 a year

4. What's the point of life insurance?. Believe me, even in cases where you are debt free with no children, Life insurance can have a meaning for you to deal with final expenses. When you do havewith no children and/or burden of debt, life insurance is a perfect way to create instant liquidity when your family need it most.

5. I can;t understand all those terms and conditions. I have to admit you are right. Terms and conditions can be pretty confusing, but with my team of brokers we can help simplify the process for you. You can also visit LSM Instant Life Insurance Needs Calculator to find out exactly how much life insurance you need.

Buying a life insurance is important step in your life. You should be careful, on the other hand all information should be considered.

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