One of the main causes of death amongst younger people is down to vehicle accidents due to fast speeds and alcohol. Possible decline of mental state and slower reactions are the reason why drivers over the age of 65 are also looked at vigilantly. Therefore if the applicant is a driver, then their application is looked at very carefully and the following are the areas for attention:
- How old is the individual?
- Categories of violations.
- How many DUI charges?
- Any other offences and how many?
- Did you have an road traffic accident and if so, how many?
- Any other hazardous taking pastimes?
The underwriters will examine the number and types of offenses. They will want to know the date of both your last violation and your last suspension and they will want to know the length and an explanation for your suspension for a chance at being fast tracked.
If the individual has a DUI violation then the application won't be considered until 6 months after the suspension ends. If there are further violations as well as the DUI then this time extends to one year. Standard fees would be given if the individual only has a few minor violations. An average case means an additional $2.50 to $5.00 on your monthly charge for every $1000 of cover for a minimum of three years. Numerous DUI's are an assured failure.
Purchasing Canadian life insurance is a complex process. Don't omit any side of the process!